Friday, April 15, 2016

Toddler Storytime April 14, 2016

On April 14, 2016, the toddlers celebrated birthdays!

We read It's My Birthday by Helen Oxenbury (ISBN: 9781564024121) and The Red Hen by Rebecca Emberley.  

We searched for Little Mouse in the colored houses and practiced counting and positional and directional words (above, top, bottom, middle, under, next to).  For more positional and directional vocabulary and why they're important, click here.

We performed an action rhyme about Little Mouse's birthday cake.

It's Little Mouse's birthday!
Let's make a cake!
Mix and stir, stir and mix, (action of stirring)
Then into the oven to bake (pretend to hold cake in two hands)

Here's our cake so nice and round (make a circle with arms)
We frost it pink and white (action of spreading frosting)
We put five candles on it,
To make a birthday light.
(source: Literary Hoots)

Then everyone stretched and we said "See you next week!"

For more birthday reading, check out these books:
The Best Birthday Party Ever by Jennifer LaRue Huget (ISBN: 9780375847639)
Big Red Lollipop by Rukhsana Khan (ISBN: 9780670062874)
The Princess and the Peanut Allergy by Wendy McClure (ISBN: 9780807566237)
Bumble-Ardy by Maurice Sendak (ISBN: 9780062051981)
A Birthday for Cow by Jan Thomas (ISBN: 9780152060725)

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